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Help Support an Animal Ambulance for Ukraine’s Displaced Pets
The United Nations estimates as many as 3.7 million Ukrainians initially fled the country, many of them are pet owners (There are approximately 750,000 dogs and 5 million cats in Ukraine) were forced to flee without their beloved pets. Animals many lost or deserted without adequate access to food or water, either tied up or kept inside an abandoned building, or else left to roam the streets need help.
After deploying to the Ukraine as Head of Mission to Australian Animal Aid and seeing the devastation firsthand, one requirement stood out.
There is a vital need for transport and mobile treatment. The country is vast, and the majority of NGO charities are based in Lviv to the West of the capital. It too gets bombed but is regarded as moderately safe. From Lviv volunteers venture to the front lines to rescue animals, and if required veterinary procedures have occurred ad hoc in temporary buildings.
Using an Animal Ambulance would result in both a transportation requirement to conduct emergent operations or local temporary clinic.
The Aim
The aim is to seek donations to purchase a vehicle suitable to carry two persons and a small rear mounted portable veterinary facility. This vehicle would be purchased in Europe and driven to the Livi Veterinary University by AWAMO staff.
This vehicle will then be equipped with veterinary furniture to facilitate small scale operations in-situ. Plus having a capability of transporting/ evacuating animals from hostile environments.
The vehicle(s) will be operated from Lviv by staff and students of the Veterinary University. We hope to train local vets for long term operations. This ambulance is a long-term investment. Post the current war it will be required for up to a decade after hostilities seize.
This system has been proven to work not only in Australia (in outback indigenous communities) but previously in combat zones such as Afghanistan. It is the right solution for the current and immediate future animal welfare needs of Ukraine’s displaced pets.
Accountability for investment
The vehicle would be designed in-situ by local Ukrainian veterinarian staff. The vehicle will be marked with the donators graphics as specified by them. They will receive international media and public relations exposure.
Two options for design
Option 1
A 4X4 Ute type vehicle. This will enable access to remote locations. Carry veterinary equipment in rear hold and transport veterinary students and staff to these remote locations.
Option 2
A Van type vehicle that can be fitted out with an Interior storage area for veterinary equipment. Room for a small stainless steel operating table. Small fridge for medication. Fitted for power and lights. Space for several dog and cat cages.
How can you help?
By donating to the AWAMO Charity 100% of all donations will go to this project.
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 034-139
A/C #: 221639
Nigel Barry Allsopp
Nigel Allsopp MA
President AWAMO
RSL ANZAC of the year
Australian Citizen of the year
M: 0415980804