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Australian Air Force Cadets begin 75th Anniversary celebrations in January 2016

The first official event of the Australian Air Force Cadets 75th Anniversary Year took place on 9 January 2016 when Cadets and staff of No. 7 Wing held a commemorative church service in St George’s Anglican Cathedral in Perth, Western Australia.

The National Banner of the Australian Air Force Cadets was paraded into the cathedral, carried by CUO Callum MacDonald and escorted by CWOFF Rohan Khanna, and CFSGTs Nicholas Bouffler and Ethan Hodgson.

During the service, the more than 130 Cadets and staff led by Officer Temporary Commanding SQNLDR (AAFC) Rob Caldera, and also including VIPs, former colleagues and many parents, reflected on the history of our forerunners, the ATC and AIRTC, while recognising the achievements of the AAFC in recent years in developing dynamic leadership and citizenship skills in young Australians.

Scripture readings were given by CUO Oliver Patton and 7WG Executive Officer, SQNLDR (AAFC) Damian Lambert. 

The service was led by two military chaplains who related well to the Cadets and staff, delivering thoughtful and appropriate messages regarding the importance of community leadership and service to others.

The Right Rev. Wilmot is Assistant Bishop of Perth and Coordinating Chaplain of Army Headquarters 13 Brigade.  Cathedral Associate Priest, Rev. Harrison, was a former Royal Marine and member of the Kings African Rifles, British SAS and South Africa’s 44 Parachute Regiment.

VIPs included Minister for Youth Hon Tony Simpson MLA, BRIG Phil White, LTCOL Murray Drover, CMDR Geoff Hurren ANC, Warrant Officer Khoeng Yew Thiam of the Republic of Singapore Air Force, and the RSL Youth Committee’s Olga Greig.

And Bishop Wilmot’s closing blessing of the Australian Air Force Cadets?

“Go forth into the world in peace; be of good courage; hold fast to that which is good; render to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honour everyone; love and serve the Lord; rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always.”


By Squadron Leader (AAFC) Roger Buddrige

Staff Officer | Community Engagement

National Headquarters | Australian Air Force Cadets

0408 900 126 | [email protected]

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