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ANZAC Q&A - Who did the Anzacs fight at Gallipoli?

ANZAC Q&A - Who did the Anzacs fight at Gallipoli?

Military Shop
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Image: Senior Ottoman officers using a telescope on Gallipoli.

Q.   Who did the Anzacs fight at Gallipoli.
A.   The enemy at Gallipoli was the army of the Ottoman Empire, which was also referred to as ‘Turkey’ and the enemy troops as ‘Turkish’. This is misleading, as the Ottoman Empire included a number of different races and subject races faced at Gallipoli included Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians and Arabs. The backbone of the Ottoman Army, however, was considered to be the Anatolian Turkish units recruited from the Ottoman heartland, with various other ethnic units considered by the Ottoman high command to be unreliable. Besides Ottoman troops, small numbers of German troops served at Gallipoli.

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