Our Blog

Welcome to the Military Shop Blog

Explore the Military Shop Blog, where we dive deep into the world of Australian military history, gear, medals, and collectibles. Our blog is dedicated to sharing fascinating stories, insightful tips, and expert recommendations related to military and tactical gear for veterans, current service members, and those who aspire to join the ranks. Whether you’re a history buff, a gear enthusiast, or a dedicated collector, our content is tailored to provide you with valuable insights and inspiration.

A Historic Intake for the Royal Australian Navy

A Historic Intake for the Royal Australian Navy

Military Voice July 5th, 2022 2 minute read


Who was Vice Admiral Sir Guy Charles Cecil Royle KCB, CMG?

Who was Vice Admiral Sir Guy Charles Cecil Royle KCB, CMG?

Military Voice July 4th, 2022 2 minute read


The first ever 'Australian Defence Force Cadets Tri-Service Queen's Guard' at Government House, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen

The first ever 'Australian Defence Force Cadets Tri-Service Queen's Guard' at Government House, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen

Military Voice June 24th, 2022 2 minute read

Air Force | Army | Ceremonial Swords | Navy

Affiliate Program: Boost Your Profits or Fundraising All Year Round

Affiliate Program: Boost Your Profits or Fundraising All Year Round

Military Voice June 20th, 2022 3 minute read

Affiliate Program | Fundraising

The Soldier on the Plinth

The Soldier on the Plinth

Tomas Hamilton June 16th, 2022 2 minute read


AWAMO Helping the Animals of Ukraine – And They Need Your Help

AWAMO Helping the Animals of Ukraine – And They Need Your Help

Military Voice June 1st, 2022 3 minute read

AWAMO | Purple Poppy | Ukraine Appeal

Our AAFC 80th 100-Coin Challenge Winners!

Our AAFC 80th 100-Coin Challenge Winners!

Military Voice May 11th, 2022 3 minute read

AAFC | Air Force

Anzac Day Brunch

Anzac Day Brunch

Military Voice May 5th, 2022 3 minute read

ANZAC | Anzac Day Brunch

Focused on the Future and Honouring the Past

Focused on the Future and Honouring the Past

Military Voice April 6th, 2022 3 minute read

Air Force 100

Coming Up in April: Anzac Day April 25th.

Coming Up in April: Anzac Day April 25th.

Military Voice March 29th, 2022 3 minute read