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Advertising trends have changed with more organisations opting for promotional items to build their brand. Marketing professionals have been purchasing pens, key chains, badges, cufflinks, medallions, mugs and an infinite number of other promotional items since the 19th Century.

However, with the rise of the digital economy companies like ours have noticed an increase in the popularity of promotional items across the private, community and public sectors. Our customers believe that these items can establish a tangible physical link with the public. Put simply Catalogues could be held, scrunched, opened and closed, used as Papier Mâché and dare we say… used as kindling. But with small and boutique printers are going out of business across the Australia catalogues are less economical. Organisations are now falling back on digital marketing.

Digital advertising is abstract, non-tangible and not as endearing as older methods of engagement. As any good antique seller knows people like to touch stuff. Promotional items re-connects customers this sense of touch. We know the ability to feel an object, to really engage with it as a tangible “thing”, triggers powerful signals in the brain. Customers may not be able to touch the website your advertisement appears on, but a free phone or tablet cover, or mouse pad, will provide a felt link to a brand for years to come.

Promotional items can be custom made to precise specifications. All manner of organisations are embracing this trend from schools, businesses and charities to police forces, militaries and political parties. All are scrambling to get their logos and names printed or inscribed on quality branded items.

During graduation ceremonies and public events leading universities now pride themselves on giving away pens, t-shirts and key chains to their students and the public. These promotional items are beneficial in that they provide a direct means of advertising. But also a feeling of reciprocity that in years to come see students act as ambassadors for the institution.

There were always countless benefits attached to promotional items no matter the size of the organisation. But the surge in popularity of this form of marketing comes on the back of the growing digital economy. An organisation which uses digital marketing needs a way to connect with those customers who rarely physically engage with them. These items can provide both depth and quality to this feeling of engagement.

It seems the power of touch will survive even the internet.

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As part of the BrandNet Group, we proudly offer a range of specialised shops. Discover more about our other stores dedicated to serving the unique needs of military personnel, veterans, and enthusiasts.

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