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Photos: Left - Albert Jacka VC / Right - Albert Borella VC

Two men from what is now Loddon Shire were awarded the Victoria Cross for service in the Great War 1914-1918, they have both been honoured by the Loddon Shire Council with two bronze sculptures. The Council received a grant from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for $20,000 to install sculptures of Jacka VC and Borella VC in the Soldier’s Memorial Park at Wedderburn.

Captain Albert Jacka VC received his award for "most conspicuous bravery on the night of 20th May 1915, on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Lance Corporal Jacka, while holding a portion of our trench with four men, was heavily attacked. When all except himself were killed or wounded, the trench was rushed and occupied by seven Turks. Lance Corporal Jacka at once most gallantly attacked them single handed, and killed the whole party, five by rifle fire and two with the bayonet."

Lieutenant Albert Borella VC MM was awarded the Victoria Cross for "most conspicuous bravery in attack at Villers-Bretonneaux. He ran ahead of his men under heavy enemy fire and captured an enemy machine gun. He then led his party with two Lewis guns, capturing a strongly held enemy trench."

The service and bravery of these two men stands as a testament to Country Victoria’s contribution to the Australian Imperial Force.

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