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Military Shop
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I have sat and pondered for some time as to whether write my thoughts or not. In the end I have to write my thought as nothing will ever change with just thinking about it.

My name is not important or my military history. But what I see every day is important to me.

Currently in Australia we have a number of organizations that describe themselves as caring for veterans. I will not name them all as there are new ones popping up all the time.

My thought:

If as they say all these originations care about the many man and women or have served our country and suffer in some way for their service, then why can’t there not be just one organization. Currently as I see it men and woman fall through the cracks because all these originations are so focused on being the premier support origination. These organizations have forgotten the reason they are there. FOR THE VETRANS.

Why is it that these leaders [CEO's] cannot at least sit and discuss the various options to assist the Veterans?

As I move through my community they are tired of hearing support us we support the VETRANS. The average person is happy give when they can. But when they hear we support the VETRANS coming from so many different directions, they just say no. The government funding that is provided to some of these of organizations could be better utilized if it was combined to provide the service.

So I guess what I am trying to say is you so called CEO's of these originations need to look at the VETERANS and their FAMILES and say I am not the most import person here, the VETRAN AND THEIR FAMILY IS.   

So get together and create one all-powerful organization so you can assist those in need.



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