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Nation commemorates Battle for Australia Day today

Nation commemorates Battle for Australia Day today

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Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan has urged Australians to reflect on the experiences of those who defended our nation during the Second World War as the nation commemorates Battle for Australia Day today.

Mr Tehan said more than 500,000 Australian service personnel and civilians helped defend the home front in 1942 and 1943.

“On the first Wednesday of September we reflect on a time in our history when war was at our doorstep, and we pay our respects to the men and women who stood tall in our defence,” Mr Tehan said.

“This year we acknowledged the 75th anniversaries of a number of significant events from the Second World War, including the Fall of Singapore, the bombing of Darwin, and the Battles of the Coral Sea and Milne Bay; and in November we will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign.

“We should never forget that these critical moments in our history were also the lived experience of our fellow countrymen and women and today we honour all those who served and gave their lives in the Battle for Australia.”

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