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Picture: Prime Minister Turnbull with Soldier On's John Bale

Are you someone who can be an effective team member; who is prepared to stay in touch with the latest developments and technology; who can, if need be, take charge of a team at a moment’s notice; someone who understands objectives but who can adapt rapidly to changing circumstances?

For most of the 5,500 people who leave the Defence Force each year the answer is a simple yes. These skills are drilled into military people. Yet too many ex-servicemen and women face difficulties transitioning from the military into civilian careers. The issue is not just with the employers. For many getting out of uniform and into civvies can be an uncomfortable change and can take some getting used to.

The recent announcement of the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Initiative will hopefully go a long way toward helping people – employers and veterans – through the transition.

Under the initiative industry, businesses and ex-service organisations will work together to ‘bring veterans into private sector’.  The idea for the program was driven by Solider On, which launched its own Veteran and Family Support Program to complement the Government’s initiative.

A common issue raised by ex-servicemen and women is that applications for a civilian job can be difficult to create because the experiences gained in service can often be classified and employers do not necessarily understand the obligations on former members to maintain security – even when out of uniform.

Under the Soldier On program veterans and their family members who are assessed as having the right skills, training and experience for a position will be offered an interview where they can better relate their experiences in context of the employer’s business. Soldier On will work with industry to educate them about the remarkable skillsets, training and experiences our modern veterans bring to any workplace, while job applicants will get feedback and guidance on their applications regardless of the outcome.

Soldier On says several organisations have already committed to its program, including Defence primes, big four consultancy firms, major banks, project management firms and some of the leading ICT cloud companies.

In addition to job opportunities the program includes new employment support services where veterans and their family members can get specialist help to translate existing skillsets into the civilian context; to identify gaps in their skillsets; and to look at training, education and career development opportunities to forge new career paths.

John Bale, CEO and co-founder of Soldier On says the comprehensive jobs and transition program for veterans is the first of its kind in Australia.

“Our program and these job opportunities aren’t about helping veterans and their families for a short period,” he said. “It is about saying to our contemporary veterans we here for you whenever you need a helping hand for the rest of your life – because that’s the level of support our veterans and their families deserve.”

You can help Soldier On continue to work with and for today’s veterans by becoming a supporter or simply by buying Soldier On gear here. To find out more about Soldier On’s employment initiative visit Soldier On

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