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East Timor Memories

East Timor Memories

Military Shop
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The Australia-led International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) acted as a vital peacekeeping taskforce in East Timor between 1999 and 2000. INTERFET was commanded by then Major General Peter Cosgrove, currently serving as the 26th Governor-General of Australia. INTERFET forces were transferred to a United Nations peacekeeping force on 15 February 2000. We put out a request for East Timor related stories, here are our favourites so far: 

Australian veteran Robert Irving said the above photograph was taken during a night move into a FOB (forward observation base) in East Timor 2002. The silhouette contrasts with similar shots from the Great War 1914-1918. It illustrates the difference in equipment compared to that issued to soldiers during campaigns like Gallipoli or the Somme. All the soldiers in this shot had their Night Vision attachments on. This kind of move would have required either illumination or a hand on the shoulder of the person in front during the Great War.

Clay Marks took the above photograph whilst on operations flying Blackhawks in East Timor in 2009. The picture is of his good friend SGT Mark Humphries (in the Aircrewman window) proudly flying his family’s Australian flag whilst they were on a mission during Australia Day 2010. SGT Humphries Australian Flag is extremely special to him and his entire family. His father, brother and uncle all served or currently serve within the Australian Defence Force. The flag has gone on every deployment with each family member. It has seen service in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas. SGT Humphries took it on his third deployment to East Timor as a show of respect and family pride. Mark said, "I find the picture and his family’s personal sacrifice in defending our country inspirational". It’s a powerful symbol of how the Anzac legend has survived down to the present day. It will never die.

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