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Champions of Diversity: How the Women at BrandPro are Embracing Inclusivity

Champions of Diversity: How the Women at BrandPro are Embracing Inclusivity

Military Voice
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In recent years, the need for diversity and inclusivity in the workplace has become more apparent. Companies worldwide are focusing on creating a more inclusive environment that values the contributions of all employees. BrandPro, a branding and marketing agency, is no exception. 


The Journey towards Inclusivity at BrandPro
Creating a culture of inclusivity requires ongoing effort and commitment. At BrandPro, the team understands that inclusivity goes beyond just hiring a diverse workforce. It is about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background. They encourage employees to share their experiences and perspectives through formal presentations or casual conversations. 

The Military Voice had the opportunity to speak with Emma Eschbach and Rebecca Pauthenet, both members of the custom sales team at BrandPro, who both shared experiences and thoughts on their roles, diversity in the workplace, and celebrating International Women's Month. 


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Rebecca Pauthenet: You are Enough. 

Please tell us about yourself and what you do at BrandPro? 

I am a 24-year-old originally from Albury, NSW. My favourite things to do in my free time are to hang out with my friends and go to music events. I am one of the sales representatives for our custom branding team, BrandPro, I help ideas come to life in form of custom items for every client’s needs.


Can you tell us what was the most memorable project you have worked on so far?  

My most memorable projects are working alongside repeat clientele and building a rapport with them. 


Is there anyone who inspires you in your career?  

Caris, our branch manager inspires me to keep growing and improving my skills and goals within both myself personally and within my career here at BrandPro.


What are your thoughts on diversity in the workplace? 

Diversity is extremely important in the workplace as well as outside the workplace, everyone deserves the same chances and opportunities.


Do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Month? Why or why not? 

Yes, it is especially important to celebrate International Women’s Month to highlight and commemorate the lives of the women that positively impacted the women’s movement in the world as well as all women around the world. 


What is the most important advice you have been given? 

Follow what you wish to do in life, not what others want or think you should do. 


If you could have dinner (or lunch) with one inspirational woman, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

Mariska Hargitay Is actively involved within the community and Joyful Heart Foundation to aid survivors of DV, SA and CA founded through her acting career as Olivia Benson in Law-and-Order SVU. 


What is the most important message you want to send out to your younger self about life and being a woman? 

“You are enough.” 


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Emma Eschbach: Embrace Every Experience 

Please tell us about yourself and what you do at BrandPro? 

My name is Emma, and I work as a member of the custom sales team at BrandPro. I am responsible for directing and facilitating the creative process of branding items for the promotion of companies and departments. What I enjoy the most about my role is helping design medallions from start to finish, I assist clients in deciding on the best materials for their design concept, and I gather reference images to help the graphic designer understand the creative elements desired for the design. I love bringing ideas to life and transforming them into tangible, polished pieces, it is a great outlet for my creativity. 


Can you tell us what was the most memorable project you have worked on so far? 

The most memorable project I have worked on so far was a custom medallion design. The client came to us with an incredibly detailed design concept, and it was my job to work with our graphic designer to bring that vision to life. I took a proactive approach to ensure that the design met the client's expectations by communicating with the designer every step of the way. I made sure to discuss every detail of the design with the designer, tweaking and adjusting until the design was exactly what the client had described. When I sent the design to the client, I was confident that it would meet their expectations on the first try. To my delight, the client loved the design and responded by stating that I had "nailed exactly what [they] wanted and beyond". The finished medallions were beautifully polished, and the positive response from the client made all the time and effort we put into the project completely worth it. This project was truly memorable because it was a testament to the importance of effective communication and collaboration in delivering a high-quality product. 


Is there anyone who inspires you in your career? 

I am inspired by a multitude of individuals, particularly philosophers, political activists, and humanitarians. Alan Watts, Emma Goldman, Nikola Tesla, and Yeonmi Park are just a few of the many inspiring figures that have left an impact on me. What draws me to these individuals is their unconventional thinking, their push for autonomy and free thought, and their unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world. These are qualities that I believe are crucial in any career and I strive to embody these in my work. I aim to bring the same creative, independent, and free-thinking spirit to my own life to make a positive impact in the lives of those around me. 


What are your thoughts on diversity in the workplace? 

Diversity in the workplace is essential to driving innovation and progress. When we bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, we create an environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Women play a vital role in promoting diversity in the workplace. We bring unique skills and perspectives to the table and taking on leading roles in the workplace is crucial to the progression of our society. One woman who serves as an inspiration in this regard is Ada Lovelace. Ada was a pioneer in computing science and the inventor of computer programming. She was the first person to recognise the potential of computers to do more than simple calculations, and she broke down gender barriers in an industry that was still dominated by men. By celebrating the achievements of women like Ada Lovelace on International Women's Day, we are highlighting the importance of diversity in the workplace and the significant contributions that women have made and continue to make to the advancement of our society. 


Do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Month? Why or why not? 

Yes, it is important to celebrate International Women's Month. This is a time when we can reflect on the achievements and contributions of women in our society by acknowledging what women are capable of. It also provides an opportunity for us to examine the challenges that still exist and to continue working towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world for all. Celebrating International Women's Month is not just about recognising women’s achievements but also about promoting gender equality and creating a more inclusive world for everyone. By recognising the unique skills and perspectives that women bring to the table, we can create a better future for all. Additionally, it is equally as important to acknowledge the importance of men in society and to celebrate their achievements and contributions. By recognizing the value of both women and men, we can create a harmonious and balanced society. 


What is the most important advice you have been given? 

The most important advice I have ever received is to embrace my individuality and acknowledge the value I bring to the table. This has helped me to recognise my unique qualities and has encouraged me to refrain from comparing myself to others and conforming to societal expectations. I have learned in life that it is so rewarding to be kind, compassionate and understanding of the uniqueness in every individual. By embracing myself and others, I am spreading love and kindness which makes my life more fulfilling. 


If you could have dinner (or lunch) with one inspirational woman, dead or alive, who would it be? 

As someone passionate about space and all things related to it, I would be honoured to speak with Jocelyn Bell Burnell, a renowned Northern Irish astrophysicist who made significant contributions to the field of radio astronomy. I would love to hear more about her journey and pioneering work in the field. With her ground-breaking discovery of pulsars in 1967, she opened new doors in our understanding of the universe and her perseverance and determination in a male-dominated field make her a true inspiration for women in STEM. I would love to pick her brain and learn more about her discoveries and experiences, as I believe it would further fuel my interest in the wonders of space. 


What is the most important message you want to send out to your younger self about life and being a woman? 

To my younger self, I would emphasise the importance of using life's challenges and traumas as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Rather than becoming defined by painful experiences, use them to build strength and resilience. Embrace your identity as a strong and capable woman, and never let a victim mentality hold you back. Empower yourself to overcome obstacles and emerge even stronger. 



Emerald Landischan: Love Who You Are 

Please tell us about yourself and what you do at BrandPro? 

I'm Emerald Landischan. I work as a Graphic Designer at BrandPro. It is my job to provide graphic designs and to support marketing and sales teams in the development of a product, artwork approvals, brochures, catalogues, and digital marketing for businesses, government, and corporate clients. From time to time, I also work on unique special projects.


Can you tell us what was the most memorable project you have worked on so far?

The most memorable project that I have worked on so far is a kitsch medallion because it is the most challenging medallion that I ever made and took me several days to work on the revisions before it was approved.  

If you could have dinner (or lunch) with one inspirational woman, dead or alive, who would it be?  

If I could given a chance to have a dinner with one of the inspirational women, that would be Hannah Cockroft. She is a British wheelchair racer who Suffered from two cardiac arrests after her birth which resulted in weak hips, deformed feet, and mobility problems, Cockroft uses a wheelchair for long distances, but this hasn’t stopped her from gaining several world and Paralympic records in her classification.  

What are your thoughts on diversity in the workplace?

I believe that a diverse workplace is an important asset since it acknowledges the individual strengths of each employee and the potential they bring. Valuing the differences of others is what ultimately brings us all together and can be the secret to a successful, thriving workplace and a fair work culture. 

Do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Month? Why or why not?

I think it is important to have International Women's Month because it celebrates how far women have come in the struggle for equality while creating important discussions about how far we still are in this journey. To this day, women still face a lot of challenges such as gender stereotypes, discrimination, and bias. 

What is the most important advice you have been given?

The most important advice I ever have is that “Be Kind. Always.” You never know what someone else is going through. Be gentle. Have compassion. Default to empathy. If you can’t find any love in a situation, it’s a signal to be the love the situation desperately needs. As humans, kindness is a nutrient for the heart. Love is the purest expression of this kindness. When all else fails, sprinkle a little love on it. You just might be surprised at how well it heals what appears broken. Especially when it’s turned inward. 


What is the most important message you want to send out to your younger self about life and being a woman?

The most important message I want to send out to your younger self is “Dear younger me, you are worth so much more than you think you are. This is something you will struggle with. You will think you’re not good enough but I promise you are. You are so much more than enough. Stop looking to others to find your worth. Learn to love who you are and let that be enough. Know that you are God’s beautiful creation and nothing you achieve in life or fail to achieve will ever change His love for you.” 


The Benefits of Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity 

“We believe that inclusivity and diversity are critical components of any successful organisation,” says Margot Sachse, BrandNet's Business Administration Manager. “Besides attracting a wider pool of clients and talent, the team has also noticed a positive impact on creativity and innovation, with diverse perspectives leading to more unique and effective solutions,” she continues. "So, if you're ready to start your branding journey, please do get in touch with the BrandPro team. You'll be in good and capable hands."

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