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The Beginning of the End: The Withdrawal of Australian and New Zealand Troops from Vietnam and Its Impact on the Region's History

The Beginning of the End: The Withdrawal of Australian and New Zealand Troops from Vietnam and Its Impact on the Region's History

Military Voice June 3rd, 2023 8 minute read


1970: A Turning Point in Australian History – Protests, Tragedies and Triumphs

1970: A Turning Point in Australian History – Protests, Tragedies and Triumphs

Military Voice June 2nd, 2023 7 minute read


A Look Back at Australia's Historic Year of 1969

A Look Back at Australia's Historic Year of 1969

Military Voice May 30th, 2023 7 minute read


The Year of Change: How 1968 Transformed Australia's Political Landscape

The Year of Change: How 1968 Transformed Australia's Political Landscape

Military Voice May 26th, 2023 8 minute read


Continuing the journey towards reconciliation

Continuing the journey towards reconciliation

Military Voice May 22nd, 2023 3 minute read

Indigenous Service | Vietnam

Remembering The Attack on Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral

Remembering The Attack on Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral

Military Voice May 12th, 2023 2 minute read


Australia's Defining Year of 1966: Decimalisation, Prime Ministerial Retirement, War, and Music

Australia's Defining Year of 1966: Decimalisation, Prime Ministerial Retirement, War, and Music

Military Voice April 21st, 2023 6 minute read


From Rock and Roll to National Service

From Rock and Roll to National Service

Military Voice April 14th, 2023 6 minute read


The Prime Minister on behalf of the nation launches a special Vietnam Commemorative Medallion to Honour our Vietnam Veterans

The Prime Minister on behalf of the nation launches a special Vietnam Commemorative Medallion to Honour our Vietnam Veterans

Military Voice March 29th, 2023 3 minute read

Customised Products | Veterans | Vietnam

From Down Under to the Battlefield: A Look at Australia's Role in the Vietnam War in 1963

From Down Under to the Battlefield: A Look at Australia's Role in the Vietnam War in 1963

Military Voice March 10th, 2023 4 minute read


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