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Aussie Military Flashback: May

Aussie Military Flashback: May

Military Voice
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May has been a month marked by significant military engagements and impactful events for Australia. From the early 20th century to the Vietnam War era, the bravery and strategic moves of Australian forces have left an indelible mark on history. Let's delve into the notable battles and significant events that occurred in May over the years. 


4 May 1915: Australian Attack on Gaba Tepe, Gallipoli 

On this day, the 11th Battalion launched an attack on Gaba Tepe, aiming to prevent Turkish forces from observing operations around Anzac Cove. Unfortunately, the venture ended in failure, highlighting the harsh realities and challenges faced by the ANZAC troops during the Gallipoli campaign. Check out Military Shop’s Gallipoli Collection today. 

 Battles of Gallipoli

Discover the Battles of Gallipoli Collection from Military Shop 


4 May 1942: Battle of Coral Sea Begins 

The Battle of Coral Sea marked the first naval engagement where aircraft alone carried out attacks, with ships from neither side directly engaging each other. Despite the lack of a clear victory, the battle thwarted Japanese plans to capture Port Moresby by sea, compelling them to attempt a ground campaign instead. 


5 May 1915: Australians and New Zealanders on Cape Helles 

Following the challenging conditions at Anzac Cove, the 2nd Australian Brigade and the New Zealand Brigade were redeployed to Cape Helles. Their mission was to support British and French troops in the efforts to capture Achi Baba, a strategic height that dominated the region. 


8 May 1915: Second Battle of Krithia 

This battle saw the Australian 2nd Brigade and the New Zealand Brigade join French and British forces in a significant engagement against Turkish defences on Cape Helles. Despite their efforts, none of the objectives set by the Allies were achieved, illustrating the difficulty and complexity of the Gallipoli campaign. 


19 May 1915: Turkish Counter-Attack on Gallipoli 

In a desperate bid to reclaim control, Turkish forces launched a massive counter-attack to drive Australian and New Zealand troops from Anzac Cove. The assault ended in disaster for the Turks, with over 10,000 soldiers killed or wounded, marking their greatest loss during the Gallipoli campaign. 


30 May 1942: RAAF Participates in First 1,000-Bomber Raid 

On this day, the Royal Australian Air Force joined the Royal Air Force in the first 1,000-bomber raid, targeting Cologne, Germany. This significant operation aimed to overwhelm German defences and showcased the collaborative efforts of Allied air forces during World War II.




This exceptional World War II Digger miniature figurine, with frame and stand included, is the perfect way to display a legacy of service. From pictures to medals, the 3D frame can showcase a generation of achievements proudly. 


31 May 1902: Boer War Ends 

The Boer War concluded with the surrender of the Boers. Over 16,000 Australians served in South Africa, and nearly 600 made the ultimate sacrifice. This event marked the end of a significant conflict that shaped Australia's early military history. 


Let’s look at more significant events that shaped up today’s Australia.  


8 May 1970: Anti-War Demonstrations in Australia 

Amid growing opposition to the Vietnam War, up to 200,000 Australians participated in demonstrations across the country. This mass mobilisation reflected the societal divide and the strong anti-war sentiment prevalent during the period. 


21 May 1968: HMAS Sydney Leaves Brisbane 

HMAS Sydney departed Brisbane on its tenth voyage to Vietnam, carrying the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. This journey was part of Australia's continued involvement in the Vietnam War, demonstrating the nation's commitment to its military alliances. 


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27 May 1965: HMAS Sydney's First Voyage to Vietnam 

Marking a significant moment in Australian naval history, HMAS Sydney set off on its first voyage to Vietnam with the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment aboard. This mission underscored Australia's initial steps into the Vietnam conflict. 


28 May 1970: Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Awarded United States Meritorious Citation 

The valour and dedication of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam were recognised with the United States Meritorious Citation. This prestigious award highlighted the exceptional contributions of Australian forces in the Vietnam War. 


As we reflect on these events, we honour the bravery, strategic ingenuity, and the sacrifices of Australian military personnel. Their legacy continues to inspire and remind us of the significant role Australia has played in global military history. 

Military Shop takes great pride in supporting thousands of veteran organisations, helping them raise millions of dollars for their charities. Through the products and collections, Military Shop has engaged millions of people in celebrating our nation’s proud military history. You can visit the showroom at 65 Kembla Street Fyshwick ACT, Australia. 




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