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Image: military portrait of Albert Jacka, VC, MC & Bars

Great War Recruiting Poster
with likeness of Albert Jacka VC

Albert Jacka was the first Australian soldier in the Great War 1914-1918 to be awarded the Victoria Cross. His prowess as a sportsmen and famed skills in the boxing ring were central to his legendary status.

The below citation recounts the deeds that sealed Jacka's award of the Victoria Cross. Then a Lance Corporal, Jacka displayed great courage at Gallipoli, second to none. He became a national hero from the moment his VC was announced and his likeness and quotes were quickly featured in recruitment posters throughout Australia.

In a typically Australian manner the adjacent recruitment poster depicts him as the nations leading sportsman. His citation reads as follows:

Lance-Corporal Albert
14th Australian Infantry Battalion, AIF

19-20 May 1915, at Courtney's Post, Gallipoli Peninsular

CITATION: For most conspicuous bravery on the night of the 19-20 May, 1915, at Courtney's Post, Gallipoli Peninsular. Lance Corporal Jacka, while holding a portion of our trench with four men, was heavily attacked. When all except himself were killed or wounded, the trench was rushed and occupied by seven Turks. Lance Corporal Jacka at once most gallantly attacked them single-handed and killed the whole party, five by rifle fire and two with the bayonet.

( London Gazette 24 July 1915. )”

Jacka’s legacy lives on in the Anzac Centenary with several communities unveiling new statues or commissioning paintings of the nation's sportsman.

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