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The Last Post first came to life in the late 1960’s as a small almanac and directory for returned diggers from the Second World War. It was edited and published by the current editors father, Raymond Thorsby Ross, from a small office in George Street Sydney. Raymond had fought with the 2/10th Battalion "The Adelaide Rifles" during the Second World War, while his father (the current editors grandfather) Joseph Thorsby Ross had been one of the original Anzacs who fought at Gallipoli.

It was hard but satisfying work for Raymond who nowadays would be considered editor, graphic designer and marketing manager rolled into one. He continued with The Last Post when he and his partner, Jan, moved to Perth in 1974 and made a living by gaining the support of local small businesses, who mostly came aboard to ensure their local RSL’s were getting the message out to members. This included local butchers, service stations, football clubs, doctors and others who all became valued clients. Raymond would visit each of them separately to make sure they were happy with the magazine. Raymond died at the relatively young age of 60, in late 1983 and, with him, The Last Post died too.

Over the summer break of 2010-11 his son, Greg Ross, began looking into the idea of bringing his old Dad’s magazine back to life. On visits interstate Greg made contact with RSL members and spoke with them about what they would like to see in a revamped publication. The result was a national digital and print magazine released to commemorate Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.

The first edition of the revived magazine came out for the spring of 2011 and featured famous Australians who have honour the Anzac Spirit along with stories of interest to veterans, DVA updates, travel, finance, health and music features. The Last Post magazine has received phenomenal support since its re-launch in 2011, the feedback continues to be both positive and thankful. Veterans have told Greg it helps them feel connected.

Greg has said to hear this from such incredible Australians, men much like his father and grandfather, who have truly sacrificed so much for their country is both touching and humbling. It increases both his and the magazine staffs determination to continue to make each edition better than the last.

To know that the magazine has so much wonderful support amongst civilian Australians is also heartening. It shows that the Anzac Spirit is alive and well, a fact that is noticeable by the great number of people, of all ages, we are now seeing at ceremonies like Anzac Day services.

The Last Post magazine goes out to and is available from newsagents around the country, online, to subscribers, Governments, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Tourism Australia, Corporate backers and libraries around Australia. You can help Australia’s veterans by subscribing or offering advertising support. Greg knows his dad would have been happy with the magazine and looks forward to continuing his families elgacy with help from other wonderful Australians.


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