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Australia’s humanitarian assistance and disaster relief mission in Fiji has gathered significant momentum. Personnel, plant equipment, tools, heavy vehicles and aid have been flown into Fiji by Australian Army and Navy MRH-90 Helicopters, or shipped in by sea on Light Landing Craft.

In early March 2016 HMAS Canberra, stationed off the Coast of Fiji’s Koro Island, began amphibious operations in earnest, with a major muscle move of material and personnel on the 2nd of March to help those affected by tropical Cyclone Winston which struck on the 20th of February.




Commander Joint Task Force 635, Captain Brett Sonter said the level of devastation on Koro Island would provide a challenge for all personnel involved in the operation.

“Koro Island was directly in the path of Cyclone Winston so subsequently there is very little on the island that hasn’t been damaged in some way,” Captain Sonter said.

“Elements of the landing force proceeding ashore will contain two sections of engineers from the Republic of Fiji Military Force which we have transported from Suva at the request of the Government of Fiji.”

“I am confident that the support provided to both the people of the island, and the Republic of Fiji Military Forces will assist in the alleviation of suffering on the island and subsequently foster recovery”.

Beach clearance was conducted prior to landing by soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment ensuring the chosen landing sites were clear for craft.

The landing points became hives of activity as all manner of breathing and mechanised capabilities came ashore.

Commander of the Land Force, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Bassingthwaighte, said the force disembarking HMAS Canberra was united in its resolve to help out to help the people of Koro Island.

“We have an incredible depth of talented and dedicated men and women involved in this operation,” Lieutenant Colonel Bassingthwaighte said.

“A significant challenge lies ahead for those on the ground, but we know we will make a difference over the coming days.”

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