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Happenings at Home,
April - July 1914
News of the Day

Image: Queen Elizabeth’s grandfather opens the first Parliament of Australia in 1901, then Duke of Cornwall and York he would later reign as King George V - Follow a Digger through WWI with this historically engaging Great War Diary which recreates the life of a typical Australian soldier in the trenches. Available for purchase here.

As noted earlier, there is much happening. This selection will again provide insight into topics of interest to many and are thus of value in conversation.

More news on Mawson the Arctic Explorer

Further to my passage in #9, Douglas Mawson married Miss Paquita Delprat on 31 March and set off for England to be knighted by King George. Our intrepid explorer is now both Sir and Husband.

Is Europe poised for war?

The following account is of great interest. It appears the Balkans could soon be engulfed in war yet again. Just one month ago on 28 June the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were murdered in Bosnia. While a tragic event and cause for much sadness, this in itself would not ordinarily be news required of this journal given it should be of little direct interest to Australia. However, each day news and speculation unfolds which suggest the act of killing the Archduke has thrown into turmoil the balance of Europe.

Reports from Sarajevo say more than one attempt was made on the Archduke that day. The first, a bomb placed so to kill the Archduke and entourage as they drove,  exploded after the car had passed. Another bomb was located on the Archduke’s route but did not explode. The third and successful attempt was made by a gunman who ambushed the Archduke’s car and fired the fatal shots. Several arrests have been made and it is now clear the plot was connected with Servia’s dissatisfaction of Austro-Hungarian rule of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The Archduke in particular bore much of the Servian resentment, both from Serbs in Bosnia and in Servian ranks across the southern boarder. The Archduke’s machination of greatest concern was his plan to further amalgamate the Slavic nations under Austro-Hungarian rule.

The Austrians have sent an ultimatum to the Serbs demanding they cease actions against the Austro-Hungarian rule but the Servians seem resolute. The Servians are of course closely allied to Russia, while the Austrians share the same consideration with Germany. While most believe any war between  Austria and Servia would be a shortlived  affair–Austria being a stronger force –the speculation of an escalation is ever present.  If  Russia supports Sevia and Germany rallies to Austria the war might embroil much of Europe. Britain is, as always, proudly standing for peace and has been much involved in negotiations between all parties. I think this talk of war, even though it does not yet directly involve Britain or  Australia, is the reason the Citizen Forces is now on guard duty.

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