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Military Shop
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This week seven thousand simple white wooden crosses with a hand-knitted poppy were staked into the fields above the site of the Battle of Pozieres. Set in the shape of the Army Rising Sun by Australian and French volunteers, the symbolic gesture was for many of the lost diggers of Pozieres, the first time their final resting place had been marked.

As part of commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the battle the temporary crosses – one for each Australian killed – were organised by the Pozieres Remembered Association, an Australian charity working with French locals to build a permanent rose garden and memorial on the site.

Speaking from Pozieres, Coffs Harbour resident and Secretary of the Pozieres Remembered Association, Yvonne Hall, said this was the first time in 100 years for 4,112 men whose bodies have never been found that they have had a cross to demote that they are there.

Yvonne and husband Barry Gracey have been instrumental in preserving and protecting the more than 14,000 square metre site at the edge of Pozieres Village, and are leading the charge to have the permanent memorial and rose garden completed.

They raised funds to purchase the land and now need to raise more than $400,000 to complete the Pozieres Memorial Park, which will include an honour roll listing of the names of all Australian soldiers known to have died in and around Pozieres, most of whom have no known grave.

You can help Barry and Yvonne by donating funds or by purchasing a brick that will be used in the construction of the memorial park.  For only $50.00 you can have a brick endorsed with your family name or message of respect that will forever be part of our promise to remember. Donations are also welcomed.

Visit their web page at www.pozieresremembered.com.au and buy a brick today.

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