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Image: Australian Air Force Cadet Leading Aircraftwoman Sarah Bradshaw shows the Australian Women Pilot Association baton to her proud dad Warrant Officer Dave Bradshaw – and, inset, accepts the baton from QANTAS pilots First Officer Skye Mules (left) and Captain Helen Trennery. Photo by Corporal Nicci Freeman

Australian Air Force Cadet Leading Aircraftwoman Sarah Bradshaw recently participated in the Women Pilots’ Relay of Flight.

The inagural Women Pilots’ Relay of Flight saw 112 female pilots carry a relay baton almost 30,000km around Australia - and raise $26,860 for the Cancer Council of Australia.

The relay started at Avalon, Victoria on March 2 following the Avalon Airshow and the baton was passed in an anti-clockwise direction around Australia, passing through Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, back into Victoria and down to Tasmania, and finished in Launceston on April 22 in time for the start of the Australian Women Pilots’ Annual conference.

Cadet Leading Aircraftwoman Bradshaw flew her glider into Adelaide Airport – only the third time in 26 years that such permission had been given – to collect the baton from QANTAS First Officer Skye Mules and Captain Helen Trennery.

After facing a large media pack, Cadet Leading Aircraftwoman Bradshaw and her instructor Catherine Conway then launched the glider and flew their precious cargo to Stonefield Gliding Club, about 110km north east of Adelaide. 


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